Age Calculator
Age Calculator Tool: Calculate age easily
Age Calculator Tool: Calculate age easily
Our age calculator is a simple, yet versatile tool to find out age in years, months, and days based on your date of birth. It also enables you to determine how long between 2 specific dates.
To make things a bit easier to use, the calculator shows results in several time formats. It can give you your age in years, months and days, or just months and days.
Have you ever wondered how many weeks or days you have been alive? Our calculator will issue you the total weeks or days and total hours, minutes and seconds.
Calculate Your Age Knowing your chronological age has its own importance and this age calculator will help you find out your exact age exactly. All you need to do is enter your date of birth and today’s date to find out your current age. You can even select your own end date, to see your age on any given date. The calculator also provides the number of days left until your next birthday or any other event to come.
To Know How Old Your Child Is It is of great help to parents who want to keep an account of age of their infants or newborns. For any calculation, it provides ages in weeks and months.
Enter the birth date of your newborn, and press on Calculate button to find out how many weeks your newborn live. Currently, each command defaults to the current date, but you can enter a future date too. It will then display your child’s age in weeks and months, where applicable.
How the Age Calculation Works Our tool calculates age in two different ways. The first calculates the time that has passed and returns it as years, months, days, while the second only returns the total days, strictly for precision.
The first calculates age in a more general way, assuming all years are equal to 365 days and each month is an average of 30.4167 days. This is calculated by dividing 365 by 12.
For example, a child could be say they are 15 years old without discussing leap years. Our calculator is based on the same logic, assuming that a year is equal, both regular and leap, as well as the average month length.
To calculate the total number of days, though, the calculator itself uses a precise function that counts the total days since a particular date, taking into consideration both ordinary and leap years.
Calculating the total number of days:
- Regular years multiplied by 365.
- That is, multiplying 366 by the number of leap years.
- So adding the days in any incomplete year.
So, if you are born on March 5th and now is June 7, the calculator will determine the number of days from that date, how long and how many years, months, and days you have been alive on this planet.
Manually Counting Days Until an Event Counting days manually until an event occurs also need to consider leap year days and how many days are in a month.
Monthly Days Breakdown:
- January: 31 days
- February: 28 days (29 in leap years)
- March: 31 days
- April: 30 days
- May: 31 days
- June: 30 days
- July: 31 days
- August: 31 days
- September: 30 days
- October: 31 days
- November: 30 days
- December: 31 days
Manual way to figure out days to an event during a year is to count complete months, and to add days of all previous months and of the partial month towards your target date. This calculator can also be used to find the number of days remaining until a certain event by entering today's date in the "Starting" field and entering the date of the even in the "Find Age on" field.
Date Input Guidelines You can enter a single digit for the day, with no leading zero. Make sure the inputted year is four digits. Note that day 0 is the day you start, and you count from the next day onwards. For example, type in March 15, 2022 and March 18, 2022, the result is 3 days, without counting the first date.
Age calculation with Excel You can also calculate age or time in Excel. To calculate the years since a date of birth or an event, enter the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) in a cell and use the formula =DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), “Y”)● In this case, A1 is your date/event cell.
For months (and days), use =DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "YM") for full months and =DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), "MD") for days. To consolidate results, use =CONCAT(A2, " years, ", A3, " months, ", A4, " days”). Here, A2, A3, and A4 contain the results of years, months, and days.