JSON-LD Schema markup for Google Rich Result Features

JSON-LD Schema markup for Google Rich Result Features

JSON-LD Schema markup for Google Rich Result Features

JSON-LD Schema markup

JSON-LD Schema markup for Google Rich Result Features , Google will no longer support data-vocabulary.org markup starting April 6, 2020. Now that schema.org usage has become more widespread and well-liked by the webmasters, Google has chosen to concentrate only on schema.org. Google uses structured data in standard formats and shared schemas to give information about a page and the things that are described on it. This information is used for two main purposes: to understand what the content of the page is; and special search results features or enhancements which can provide richer data than just a title.

JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data [JSON-LD] references a popular means to encode various structured data formats. For instance, JSON-LD, RDFa and Microdata all consist of a small number of limited-range structures that can be used to follow tabular information accurately and in detail. How to enable rich results with structured data can be written in the following code.

JSON-LD Schema Markup for Searchbox Sielinks

A site links search box can provide people the convenience of finding things typically from your site or application directly in the search results page. This search box supports real-time suggestions and all sorts of features.


JSON-LD Schema for Postings on Blancpain

Multiple strategies are available for inserting a piece of article schema. The most frequently used include NewsArticle and BlogPosting. I recommend you use BlogPosting schema as it will be more closely related to what the article actually is.



"@context": "https://schema.org",

"@type": "BlogPosting",

"mainEntityOfPage": {

"@type": "WebPage",

"@id": "https://www.example.com/blog/seo-tutorial"


"headline": "My Blog Title",

"description": "My Blog Description",

"image": "https://www.example.com/images/seo.jpg",

"author": {

"@type": "",

"name": "Name of Author"


"publisher": {

"@type": "Organization",

"name": "Name Publisher",

"logo": {

"@type": "ImageObject",

"url": "https://www.example.com/images/logo.jpg",

"width": 600,

"height": 60



"datePublished": "2020-03-29",

"dateModified": "2020-03-29"



JSON-LD Schema for Crumb Chain

The BreadcrumbList schema is used for marking up the breadcrumbs of your site, and from there to generate reat rich snippets. This helps your users to see and then click the page hierarchy on your website.



"@context": "https://schema.org/",

"@type": "BreadcrumbList",

"itemListElement":[ {

"@type": "ListItem",

"position": 1,

"name": "Home",

"item": "https://www.example.com/"

}, {

"@type": "ListItem",

"position": 2,

"name": "Blog",

"item": "https://www.example.com/blog/"

}, {

"@type": "ListItem",

"position": 3,

"name": "SEO Tutorial",

"item": "https://www.example.com/blog/seo-tutorial.html"

} ]



JSON-LD Schema for Video

By using this binding data,you can create a way for users to find it and watch videos in Google Search, and you can also add ', thumbnail URL with a description' for greater convenience When you label your video with VideoObject, it is able to provide information such as the description,thumbnail URL upload date, and duration.

Go To The Link = Schema Markup generator


"@context": "https://schema.org",

"@type": "VideoObject",

"name": "My Awesome Video Title",

"description": "My Awesome Video Description",

"thumbnailUrl": "https://www.example.com/images/video-thumbnail.jpg",

"uploadDate": "2020-03-29",

"duration": "PT5M35S",

"contentUrl": "https://www.example.com/videos/awesome.html",

"embedUrl": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/dfci-WvkijE"



JSON-LD Schema for Product

When you want to sprinkle some useful and valid microdata into your e-commerce or product web sit, this way of coding is recommended.



"@context": "https://schema.org/",

"@type": "Product",

"name": "iPhone XR",

"image": "https://www.example.com/images/iphone-xr.jpg",

"description": "iPhone XR Description",

"brand": "Apple",

"offers": {

"@type": "Offer",

"url": "https://www.example.com/apple/iphone-xr.html",

"priceCurrency": "USD",

"price": "1200",

"priceValidUntil": "2020-03-29",

"availability": "https://schema.org/InStock",

"itemCondition": "https://schema.org/NewCondition"


"aggregateRating": {

"@type": "AggregateRating",

"ratingValue": "4.5",

"bestRating": "5",

"worstRating": "1",

"ratingCount": "340"




JSON-LD Schema for Person

Personal inventory are coded primarily for the individual.



"@context": "https://schema.org/",

"@type": "Person",

"name": "Joydeep Deb",

"url": "https://www.joydeepdeb.com/",

"image": "https://www.joydeepdeb.com/images/joydeep-deb.jpg",

"sameAs": [





"jobTitle": "Digital Marketing Manager",

"worksFor": {

"@type": "Organization",

"name": "VMware Inc."




JSON-LD Schema for Organization

Well organized, Schema markup can produce brand signals which may improve your Knowledge Graph and Rich Snippet presence in the search engine results pages.



"@context": "https://schema.org",

"@type": "Organization",

"name": "Google Inc.",

"alternateName": "Google",

"url": "https://www.google.com/",

"logo": "https://www.google.com/images/logo.png",

"sameAs": [







JSON-LD Schema for FAQ

FAQ schema creates a way to leapfrog the featured snippet #0 position in the SERP.



"@context": "https://schema.org",

"@type": "FAQPage",

"mainEntity": [{

"@type": "Question",

"name": "My FAQ Question #1",

"acceptedAnswer": {

"@type": "Answer",

"text": "My FAQ Answer #1"



"@type": "Question",

"name": "My FAQ Question #2",

"acceptedAnswer": {

"@type": "Answer",

"text": "My FAQ Answer #2"




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